

Welcome to Reflexology in Europe Network (RiEN)

Reflexology in Europe Network represents over 20,000 reflexologists in 20 countries across Europe.

RiEN is a forum for the exchange of ideas, information and experience between its various member organisations in Europe.

Its activities consist of:

  • Convening a regular European conference of reflexology
  • Seeking influence in the European Commission toward recognition of reflexology by the governments of the  European countries
  • Stimulating scientific research in reflexology
  • Supporting emerging and existing reflexology organisations with advice and guidance
  • Working towards harmonisation of standards for professional education in reflexology, and providing information on current national standards

RiEN is a developing professional body for Reflexology organisations within Europe who wish to come together to share and develop the profession to common standards.

It aims to progress reflexology within Europe, developing standards in education and promoting research into reflexology. RiEN is a non-profit making organisation managed by an annually elected board.

All members of RiEN are committed to supporting reflexology and working within the organisation’s constitution.

RiEN aim to provide support for members in the form of annual meetings, sharing current standards within each country to assist in further developments, and sharing research information. RiEN seeks representation at European meetings in the field of Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM), offers advice and guidance, and reviews standards for education for the future.

RiEN is a member of European Federation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EFCAM)..


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